Next level Stock Portfolio App

Peerfolio allows you to

  • - merge different portfolios and watchlist into one view
  • - share with friends
  • - gain insights no broker provides
  • - and a lot more

Stock Overview

Incl. Table Sorting and Filtering, Watchlist, Notes, Limits, Totals

Stock Details

Real time information, links and charts for every stock (click on name)

Mobile Optimized

Responsive to every screen and device size and rotation + Dark Mode

100% Free

  • All Feature included
  • No account required
$0 Forever

Portfolio Charts

Share Treemap, Historic portfolio + stock view, Sorted Bar charts, Development

1k Share link

Your portfolio scaled to 1000€ total value can be shared. Example 1k Link

Quick links

Quickly access via homescreen symbol and other peerfolios via the menu

Get Started

No matter where you have your stocks, you can use this tool for yourself. In case you actually have your stocks with comdirect, you can directly jump to the 3rd point, otherwise start here:

  1. Create a free comdirect demo account with the last link on this page: (takes less than 1 minute)
    Kostenfreie Registrierung für "Meine comdirect" und "comdirect community".
  2. Create a "Musterdepot" (Virtual Portfolio) and add your stocks/etfs/commondities/etc manually.
  3. Use the Freunden zeigen Feature (Show depot to friends) to create a public depot sharing link.
  4. Finally append the number of the portfolio_key from the generated link to the url